The importance of Latin American integration and the contribution of MERCOSUR to it was a topic for discussion here today during the inauguration of an international seminar organized by Frente Guasu, a coalition of Paraguayan parties and organizations.
Titled "The Challenges of Latin American Integration and MERCOSUR", the two-day meeting is attended by national figures and 26 foreign delegations.
In his opening speech, Secretary General of Frente Guasu, Anibal Carrillo, highlighted the significance to ratify the sovereignty of peoples in the region to control they own destiny and appreciated the international solidarity that allows the organization to advance ad a people's alternative.
He recalled that, despite not being so old, the group involves 1- political and social organizations that share socialist ideas and work for the materialization of a Democrtatic Congress of the People as a main tool to achieve change.
Also today, Leonilda Zurita, from the Movement towards Socialism (Bolivia), highlighted the social and economic gains under the Government of President Evo Morales and the country's participation in pro-integration instruments like Unasur and the Andean Economic Community.
She extolled Morales' strength in expelling pro-intervention US officials from the country, and saluted the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, as an example for antimperialist leaders serving their peoples in the region.
Foreign Secretary of Frente Guasu, Ricardo Canese, made an analysis of the social history of Paraguay and highlighted the importance of solidarity in the current international situation as it contributes to reinforce people's struggle and themobilization of farmers and workers.
"We will all construct a common process of Latin American liberation, united and organized," he said.