terça-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2014

Bolívia denuncia Chile frente ALADI por incumprimento do artículo 15 do ATIT

Hoje, terça-feira 02 de dezembro, se realizou na Sede da Associação Latino-Americana da Integração (ALADI) uma reunião do Comité de Representantes, na qual uma Delegação da Bolívia denunciou o incumprimento do Artículo 15 do Acordo de Transporte Internacional Terrestre (ATIT) por parte de Chile, desde o ano de 2010.

Juan Carlos Alurralde Tejada, Vice-ministro de Relações Exteriores da Bolívia explicou nesta rodada de imprensa que a denúncia se realiza devido à “falta de respeito e desconhecimento do artículo 15 da ATIT” por parte do Chile, o que tem ocasionado sérios problemas nos transportadores bolivianos, assinalando que os tratados de 1904, 1937 e 1953, entre a Bolívia e o Chile, obriga de maneira soberana a outorgar uma série de facilidades para o livre trânsito da Bolívia ao Chile.

El Vice-chanceler de Bolívia Alurralde, igualmente mencionou que em caso nenhum o ATIT, “implica uma restrição às facilidades sobre transporte e livre transito que houvessem se concedido os países dignitários antes”. Seguidamente expôs que “segundo as considerações do Chile todas estas facilidades concedidas nos instrumentos mencionados, estariam supeditadas a este acordo internacional e temos expressado que a Bolívia tem sido signatária, pelo que o artículo 15 precautela que os tratados e convênios bilaterais se preservem e mantenham vigentes”.

Também comentou que a postura do Chile, argumentando que o artículo 15 é declarativo e que não têm caráter operativo, é um “argumento fraco e falto de respeito do direito internacional” assinalou Juan Carlos Alurralde Tejada, Vice-ministro das Relações Exteriores da Bolívia.

Por tanto a delegação da Bolívia realizou um pedido à Secretaria da ALADI, para que uma equipe jurídica realize um relatório para aclarar à comunidade si é declarativo e operativo o artículo 15. Por último, declarou que se estudarão medidas sobre o Acordo à Convenção do Tratado das Nações Unidas, e de não se resolver, Bolívia fará as previsões necessárias para una eventual denúncia ao tratado com Chile.

Por outra parte, o Diretor de Assuntos Jurídicos da Chancelaria do Chile, Claudio Troncoso Repetto, explicou que a posição chilena é que “cumpre integramente o ATIT e que é compatível com o livre trânsito que respeita plenamente e as exigências que se impõem são compatíveis, pelo tanto pedem se aplicar em conjunto”.

Claudio Troncoso recalcou o convite à Bolívia para tratar todos estes temas pela via bilateral pelos canais bilaterais. Por sua parte, o chanceler chileno, Heraldo Muñoz, desde Chile, considerou hoje como uma "surpresa" que pode danificar a relação bilateral a consulta apresentada pela Bolívia frente à ALADI "Estamos confiados de que aqui não há fundamento algum e gostaríamos de ter uma relação más construtiva com a Bolívia, mas para isso se requerem dois, como para dançar tango", disse o chanceler chileno, que acotou que a ALADI "não têm faculdades obrigatórias".

Logo de um debate intenso entre as delegações, neste caso não se chegou a um acordo, se conclui que a Secretaria da ALADI realize uma investigação jurídica profunda das duas partes, que será apresentado ao Comité de Representantes no próximo 12 de dezembro deste ano, e tentativamente no dia 19 de dezembro realizar a Sessão Extraordinária.


Eurasian, Mercosur trade blocs work to strengthen ties

Eurasian Economic Union and Mercosur officials met last week to see how members could strengthen trade relations and increase the movement of goods between trade blocs.

The duo almost agreed on a memorandum of understanding, said Andrey Slepnev, a trade minister of the Eurasian Economic Commission who leads talks with Argentina, the current chair of Mercosur, in an interview with the Russian news agency TASS.

“The document covers the spheres on which we will be holding a regular dialogue, first of all, the issues of trade facilitation and removing barriers in trade, as well as investment cooperation,” Slepnev told TASS. He said the document could be signed next year.

Although there is no talk yet of an agreement on a free trade zone, experts from both blocs discussed tariff issues, customs, technical regulations and sanitary matters, according to Latin American Herald Tribune.

EEU, which will go into effect in 2015, comprises Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Armenia, with Kyrgyzstan expected to join soon, while Mercosur, established in 1991, includes Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela.

The two trade blocs account for more than 7 percent of the global economy, with EEU contributing roughly 3 percent and Mercosur contributing about 4 percent, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report 2014-2015.

Fonte: http://www.joc.com/regulation-policy/trade-agreements/international-trade-agreements/eurasian-mercosur-trade-blocs-work-strengthen-ties_20141201.html

UNASUR to Focus on Deepening Regional Integration

Secretary General Ernesto Samper and Ecuadorean Foreign Minister Ricardo Patiño toured the new UNASUR headquarters prior to its official unveiling.
Secretary General Ernesto Samper and Ecuadorean Foreign Minister Ricardo Patiño toured the new UNASUR headquarters prior to its official unveiling.

Regional bloc will hold its next summit in Ecuador on December 4 and 5.

Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa has said that the upcoming meeting of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) will focus on deepening regional integration.

​Officially launched in 2008, the 12 nation regional bloc has a combined population of 400 million people and an economy of over US$4 trillion.

UNASUR Secretary General Ernesto Samper has stated that one proposal that will be discussed is the creation of a common South American passport to better facilitate the movement of people.

The upcoming summit will be held in Ecuador with the first day of activities in Guayaquil and the second day in the capital of Quito where the new headquarters will be inaugurated.

The organization has opted to name the building after former Argentine President and the first Secretary General of UNASUR, Nestor Kirchner.

President Correa said on his weekly program that the “inauguration of this majestic work...will be the relaunching of the integrationist process because it is important to have a functional building and a team working full time on integration.”

The summit will see the Presidents of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Paraguay, Surinam and Venezuela, as well other representatives and observers from other non-member nations including Haiti. The meeting will also see the transfer of the UNASUR presidency from Suriname to Uruguay.

Fonte: http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/UNASUR-to-Focus-on-Deepening-Regional-Integration-20141201-0011.html

domingo, 30 de novembro de 2014

El Caribe y Cuba se funden en un solo abrazo

La cercanía estrecha entre Cuba y el Caribe no se limita solo a la geografía. Han sido y son los sólidos lazos históricos, políticos y culturales lo que más une, como ha quedado refrendado a lo largo de los años de excelentes relaciones, basadas en el respeto y la cooperación

HAN transcurrido 42 años y la relación, lejos de irse desvaneciendo con el tiempo, es una correspondencia que se afianza y podría resultar paradigma de la reciprocidad entre naciones vecinas que comparten mucho más que un espacio geográfico.

Esa unión firme la protagonizan los países de la Comunidad de Estados del Caribe (Caricom) y esta Isla, la Mayor de las Antillas, dos partes que este 8 de diciembre, cuando celebran el establecimiento de relaciones diplomáticas que hicieron historia, reforzando lazos de raíces culturales y étnicas, tendrán en La Habana su V Cumbre.

La cercanía estrecha entre Cuba y el Caribe no se limita solo a la geografía. Los mapas evidencian la proximidad, pero han sido y son los sólidos lazos históricos, políticos y culturales lo que más une, como ha quedado refrendado a lo largo de los años de excelentes relaciones, basadas en el respeto y la cooperación.

La colonización en América Latina comenzó justamente por el Caribe, donde también se inició la lucha por la independencia y contra el coloniaje. Desde el triunfo de la Revolución Cubana, las naciones caribeñas hallaron en esta Isla un aliado incondicional y el nexo necesario para enlazar a la subregión con la parte continental de América Latina.

Los vínculos de Cuba con el Caribe anglosajón comenzaron mucho antes de la época colonial, en gran medida como resultado de las constantes migraciones intercaribeñas de los pueblos originarios, existente en el área.

Luego del triunfo revolucionario de 1959 y en un momento en el que Cuba se encontraba políticamente aislada del resto del continente, agredida por Estados Unidos por el empeño cubano de formar una nación independiente y socialista que rompía los cánones políticos hasta ese momento impuestos en buena parte del mundo, cuatro países del área del Caribe —Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica y Trinidad y Tobago— adoptaban, el 8 de diciembre de 1972, la histórica decisión de establecer simultáneamente relaciones diplomáticas plenas con Cuba.

Se abría así una legendaria relación de amistad, hermandad y solidaridad entre La Habana y los pueblos caribeños que determinó que en el 2002, durante la celebración de la primera Cumbre entre la Comunidad del Caribe y esta nación, se instaurara la fecha como el Día Caricom-Cuba.

En esa cita en la capital cubana cuando, además de celebrarse el aniversario 30 del establecimiento de los vínculos, los Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de las naciones del bloque caribeño y de Cuba, institucionalizaron un mecanismo de diálogo permanente al más alto nivel que se tradujo luego en un segundo y tercer encuentro en Barbados, en 2005, y en la oriental provincia cubana de Santiago de Cuba, a finales de 2008.

Una cuarta edición del encuentro, que se celebra cada tres años, tuvo lugar en 2011 en Trinidad y Tobago, y la quinta se desarrollará el próximo fin de semana en nuestra capital.

En la cita de 2011, el Presidente cubano Raúl Castro, cuando recordó la valiente decisión de 1972 de los cuatro Estados caribeños, apuntó que «un Caribe unido y solidario es nuestro único camino. Cuba ratifica su voluntad de continuar fortaleciendo las relaciones con los países miembros de Caricom y de encontrar fórmulas que permitan la ejecución de nuevos proyectos de colaboración e incrementar la eficacia de los ya existentes», resaltó Raúl.

El Caricom en la historia

Fundada el 4 de julio de 1973, la Comunidad del Caribe está integrada por 15 países: Antigua y Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belice, Dominica, Granada, Guyana, Haití, Jamaica, San Cristóbal y Nieves, Santa Lucía, San Vicente y las Granadinas, Suriname y Trinidad y Tobago, más la isla de Montserrat, territorio de ultramar dependiente del Reino Unido.

Su puesta en funcionamiento tuvo lugar a través del Tratado de Chaguaramas, firmado en Trinidad y Tobago y que tiene entre sus objetivos esenciales elevar el nivel de vida y trabajo de las naciones de la región, acabar con el desempleo, acelerar, coordinar y sustentar el desarrollo económico.

Además, fomentar el comercio y las relaciones económicas con terceros países y con grupos de naciones, así como estimular la cooperación económica en el seno de un mercado común del Caribe y promover la cooperación educacional, cultural e industrial entre las naciones de la Comunidad.

Ha sido el Caricom, sobre todo, un foro de extraordinario valor para concertar temas comunes e importantes para la región.

En estos 42 años de nexos, La Habana se ha visto respaldada ampliamente por el resto de las naciones caribeñas en su demanda internacional de que cese el bloqueo estadounidense contra Cuba y han apoyado, certeramente, el derecho de la Isla de decidir su propia vía de desarrollo político, económico y social.

La próxima cita en La Habana será la quinta cumbre Caricom-Cuba.

Los altos niveles de cooperación entre nuestro país y la región se traducen especialmente en las esferas de la salud, educación y energética. De los más de mil profesionales cubanos que prestan servicios en esa región caribeña, casi el 90 por ciento de ellos lo hacen en el sector sanitario, en tanto más de 4 000 jóvenes caribeños se han graduado en universidades cubanas, de ellos, más de 1 700 como médicos.

Como parte de la Operación Milagro a más de 98 000 caribeños se les ha devuelto la visión de manera totalmente gratuita y el programa cubano de alfabetización «Yo, sí puedo» ha llevado la luz del saber a miles de personas.

Claras y precisas han sido durante estos años las líneas plasmadas por el Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro sobre la urgente necesidad de unir al Caribe con el resto de Latinoamérica para así conformar ese nuevo hogar que hoy disfruta la región.

Entre las muestras de reciprodad de esos países hacia la mayor isla, durante la III Cumbre Caricom-Cuba, en Santiago de Cuba, la Comunidad reconoció con su Orden Honoraria al líder de la Revolución Cubana, por su apoyo al desarrollo de dicho bloque regional.

El entonces primer ministro de Antigua y Barbuda y presidente temporal del bloque, Baldwin Spencer, destacó el protagonismo de Fidel en el fortalecimiento de los lazos con los países miembros. «Es con profundo sentido de agradecimiento que nuestros países reconocen a Fidel Castro con la Orden Honoraria de la Caricom», resaltaba Spencer sobre el sistemático apoyo del líder revolucionario, quien demostró que «Cuba es una verdadera amiga».

Caricom, Petrocaribe, Alba, Celac: Una convivencia de hermanos

América Latina y el Caribe viven un cambio de época. La región protagoniza un suceso sin precedentes en su historia, donde proyectos integracionistas de magnitud buscan resolver las asimetrías en el acceso a un desarrollo común y uniforme de cada uno de los pueblos de la región.

Pero Latinoamérica, sin el Caribe no estaría completa. Dentro de Caricom conviven una multiplicidad de órganos de cooperación a nivel regional y subregional que se han seguido desarrollando, sobre todo, a partir de los inicios de este siglo.

La conformación de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (Celac) constituye, en términos históricos, un hito en esta parte del planeta. Como también lo son las iniciativas de la Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América-Tratado de Comercio de los Pueblos (ALBA-TCP) y Petrocaribe, bloques que hoy constituyen algunos de los recientes y más significativos avances en la región y que realzan el horizonte económico y geopolítico del hemisferio.

Desde su fundación en Caracas, Venezuela, en diciembre de 2011, en la Celac se le dio un peso significativo a la inclusión del Caribe en todos los programas y agendas propios del mecanismo, con el objetivo de avanzar en términos de sus intereses legítimos.

Un aspecto de especial relevancia dentro del bloque es la inclusión en la cuarteta dirigente pro témpore de la Celac —por decisión soberana de los 33 Estados miembros—, de la nación caribeña que ocupe la presidencia de Caricom.

La decisión, aceptada bajo la dirigencia pro témpore de Cuba durante 2013, constituyó un hecho destacable dentro del ente regional. El Caribe estaba representado y quedaba claro que en todas las consideraciones que se debatieran, se tendrían muy en cuenta la opinión de los caribeños.

Estas 15 naciones pequeñas y vulnerables, no solo desde el punto de vista económico, sino también medioambiental, necesitadas y urgidas de soporte regional, encuentran también en la ALBA-TCP y en Petrocaribe, foros en los que se van concretando acciones para ampliar y diversificar las relaciones económicas y, sobre todo, la cooperación entre ellos y el resto de Latinoamérica.

Indispensable para el desarrollo de Dominica, Antigua y Barbuda, San Vicente y las Granadinas, Santa Lucía y Suriname, ha sido su incorporación como miembros plenos al ALBA, mientras San Cristóbal y Nieves formalizará su entrada oficial al bloque en diciembre próximo.

Como parte de la filosofía de cooperación y complementariedad que distingue a la ALBA, Petrocaribe destaca como el esquema de cooperación energética que implica el mayor flujo de transferencia financiera para apoyar el desarrollo y del cual se benefician 13 de las naciones caribeñas (menos Barbados y Trinidad y Tobago).

Afianzados en un solo abrazo Cuba, los hermanos caribeños y el resto de la región latinoamericana exponen un escenario de relaciones de amistad, cooperación y complementariedad, basadas en el respeto y la solidaridad.

Cuba, como parte importante de esta unión, servirá nuevamente este 8 de diciembre como anfitriona para estrechar los excelentes nexos entre todas las islas del Mar Caribe.

Fonte: http://www.juventudrebelde.cu/internacionales/2014-11-29/el-caribe-y-cuba-se-funden-en-un-solo-abrazo/

Mercosur/Pacific Alliance agree on flexible integration but no talk on tariffs

“It is not realistic to insist with a tariffs integration at this stage, but yes we can advance in other areas”, said Bachelet
“It is not realistic to insist with a tariffs integration at this 
stage, but yes we can advance in other areas”, said Bachelet

In this second ministerial meeting in a month, (the first was in Colombia), Mercosur members Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela, and with a market protection emphasis, exchanged ideas with Pacific Alliance members Chile, Peru, Colombia and Mexico, which has an open market policy, as to how overcome mistrusts and advance in possible integration in different fields.

“We must once and for all brush aside prejudice about two alleged opposing and competing blocks which do not dialogue among themselves”, was the message from host and organizer of the meeting, Chilean president Michelle Bachelet.

“Although Mercosur and the Pacific Alliance are geared by different economic models and different ways of insertion in the global economy, they are two essential components, which with a gradual pragmatic convergence, would represent significant benefits all country members of each group”, underlined Chilean foreign minister Heraldo Muñoz.

However, “we know it won't be an easy task and we are not looking for outsized expectations”.

Brazil foreign minister Figueiredo said they are “two 
processes that complement each other, which are after 
something very similar and that is integration”.

However, “we know it won't be an easy task and we are not looking for outsized expectations”.

Currently discussions are centered in a gradual and flexible advance in areas such a people's movement, energy and infrastructure integration, among other issues, according to the participants of the meeting.

In a pragmatic approach, Brazilian foreign minister Luiz Alberto Figuereido said they are “two processes that complement each other, which are after something very similar and that is integration”.

While the Alliance, created in 2011, agreed to cut tariffs on over 90% of goods traded among its members, Mercosur has a common flexible external tariff, which can reach 35%, but with free circulation of goods and services among member countries.

“It is not realistic to insist with a tariffs integration at this stage, but yes we can advance in other areas”, said Bachelet.

“Digitalization of customs procedures, free movement of people, power inter connection and the internalization of small and medium companies are some of the potential areas of convergence among the two groups”.

“The idea is to take advantage of natural conditions of Latin America to increase trade with Asia, the region most interested in the commodities from Latin America”, added minister Muñoz.

“Our bi-oceanic condition is a strategic advantage” said the Chilean official.

However there was a dissenting point from Argentina, the third largest economy from the region, emphasizing on the need for Latin America to create strong industries.

“We can't continue to be simply providers of commodities; there must be an industrialization input”, underlined Argentina's Hector Timerman.

Fonte: http://en.mercopress.com/2014/11/27/mercosur-pacific-alliance-agree-on-flexible-integration-but-no-talk-on-tariffs

'Argentina-Brazil must strengthen trade ties'

Argentina is seeking to strengthen bilateral ties with Brazil, Jorge Capitanich said confirming Dilma Rousseff will be officially visiting the country on December 17. The cabinet chief also explained that the election of Mercosur legislators is not a matter of the government to decide but of Congress.

Following his visit to the neighboring country yesterday, Capitanich said the Cristina Fernández de Kirchner administration is seeking to “invigorate trade relations” with Argentina’s top regional partner while admitting a drop in the “volume of transactions.”

Addressing reporters at the government house during his dayly conference today, the official briefed the press on the visit he made to Brazil along with Economy Minister Axel Kicillof on Thursday, explaining they met with that country's Civil Office chief Aloizio Mercadante, Industry Minister Mauro Borges, Foreign Minister Luiz Alberto Figueiredo, Property Vice- minister Paulo Caffarelli and Rousseff’s presidential adviser Marco Aurelio Garcia.

Pointing out this was the first bilateral meeting since Dilma Rousseff secured a second term in office earlier in October, Capitanich explained both countries settled an agenda of “constructive nature.”

In that sense, the head of minister explained there will be monthly meetings with Brazilian officials adding that “productive integration” must be “strengthened” in the naval and aeronautic industries, the car and auto-parts sectors, the integrated logistical infrastructure area and the energy industry in order to “invigorate trade relations.”


Furthermore, the ex Chaco province governor confirmed Dilma Rousseff’s presence in the Mercosur summit to take place in the city of Paraná in the Entre Ríos province on December 17 when Brazil will be assuming the pro-tempore presidency of the regional bloc.

State members, he added, will be also addressing Bolivia’s pending bid to join Mercosur as a full member, following Venezuela’s integration back in July 2012.

Jorge Capitanich took the opportunity as well to explain that the election of Mercosur MPs is an “initiative of the Legislative Power” and not of the Executive branch.

When queried about the government promoting the voting of Mercosur legislators along with Argentina’s 2015 general elections, the head of ministers stressed that decision will have to be evaluated in Congress.

Fonte: http://www.buenosairesherald.com/article/175896/argentinabrazil-must-strengthen-trade-ties

Importance of MERCOSUR in Integration Highlighted in Paraguay

The importance of Latin American integration and the contribution of MERCOSUR to it was a topic for discussion here today during the inauguration of an international seminar organized by Frente Guasu, a coalition of Paraguayan parties and organizations.

Titled "The Challenges of Latin American Integration and MERCOSUR", the two-day meeting is attended by national figures and 26 foreign delegations.

In his opening speech, Secretary General of Frente Guasu, Anibal Carrillo, highlighted the significance to ratify the sovereignty of peoples in the region to control they own destiny and appreciated the international solidarity that allows the organization to advance ad a people's alternative.

He recalled that, despite not being so old, the group involves 1- political and social organizations that share socialist ideas and work for the materialization of a Democrtatic Congress of the People as a main tool to achieve change.

Also today, Leonilda Zurita, from the Movement towards Socialism (Bolivia), highlighted the social and economic gains under the Government of President Evo Morales and the country's participation in pro-integration instruments like Unasur and the Andean Economic Community.

She extolled Morales' strength in expelling pro-intervention US officials from the country, and saluted the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, as an example for antimperialist leaders serving their peoples in the region.

Foreign Secretary of Frente Guasu, Ricardo Canese, made an analysis of the social history of Paraguay and highlighted the importance of solidarity in the current international situation as it contributes to reinforce people's struggle and themobilization of farmers and workers.

"We will all construct a common process of Latin American liberation, united and organized," he said.

Fonte: http://www.plenglish.com/index.phpoption=com_content&task=view&id=3324361&Itemid=1

Cultural Week Precedes Inauguration of New UNASUR Headquarters

Quito, Nov 28 (Prensa Latina) A Cultural Week of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) will start tomorrow as a preliminary to the inauguration of the new headquarters of the regional bloc in Mitad del Mundo city, in northern Quito, informed the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry.According to a communique, a series of activities will involve the parishes (neighborhoods) of Calacali, Pomasqui, San Antonio de Pichincha and Mitad del Mundo, all located near the new building of Unasur.

They include performances by the chamber Orchestra of the National Conservatory of Music, the Azuquito orchestra, the Tuna Sol artistic group and singer-songwriter Juan Carlos Teran, among others.

The new Unasur building is scheduled to be inaugurated on December 5 with a summit of heads of State of Unasur member countries.

Other activities to precede the inauguration are the International Seminar Integration and Convergence in South America, to be held in the port city of Guayaquil on Dec. 3 and 4 on an agenda including masterly lectures by Bolivian Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera, ex Brazilian President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva and Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino.

The pro tempore presidency of Unasur will be handed over to Uruguay by Suriname, to be received by President Jose Mujica on Dec.4.

Fonte: http://www.plenglish.com/index.phpoption=com_content&task=view&id=3324771&Itemid=1

Assange Recommends UNASUR Create Its Own Social Networks

Julian Assange.  (Photo:Reuters)

Julian Assange says that Latin American nations should follow the example of Russia and China.

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, urged the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) to create their own search engines and social networks in order to prevent digital spying. "The members of the regional bloc should follow the example of Russia and China, and develop their own search engines and networks, as alternatives to Google, Facebook and Twitter," Assange said in a video conference from the Ecuadorian Embassy in the UK. "Washington intercepts 98 percent of Latin American communications"

During the video conference at the National Meeting of Internet Governance, Assange said it was necessary for governments to invest in the Internet in order for their countries to achieve independence, freedom and sovereignty. He said that Google, Facebook and Youtube collect information for the U.S. National Security Agency.

Julian Assange took refuge in 2012 in the Ecuadorian embassy in London fearing extradition to Sweden, which he is being investigated for alleged sexual offenses and fearing his subsequent delivery to the US where he is accused of espionage. His website, WikiLeaks has released documents on controversial issues, notably about the massive U.S. spy investigations conducted in several countries.

Fonte: http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Assange-Recommends-UNASUR-Create-Its-Own-Social-Networks-20141128-0012.html

Fórum para a Integração

Biopirataria e Biotecnologia foram os temas da palestra da professora sênior Elci Franco

A professora sênior da UNILA, Elci Terezinha Henz Franco, proferiu palestra, no último dia 12, em mais um evento do Fórum Permanente para a Integração da América Latina e Caribe. A palestra foi realizada na Câmara Municipal de Foz do Iguaçu e teve como tema “Os seres sem fronteiras: biopirataria e biotecnologia”.

Elci iniciou sua fala abordando a relação que existe entre a Floresta Amazônica e o ciclo de chuvas. “A maior função da Floresta Amazônica é a regulação do clima. Nessa função ecológica estão presentes a retenção do carbono atmosférico, o controle da evapotranspiração e a dispersão das chuvas. Por isso que, atualmente, estamos vendo tanta escassez de água e tanta alteração nas chuvas na América Latina. Com a devastação da Floresta, esse ciclo das chuvas começa a ficar alterado”, explica.

A docente tratou, também, de outros biomas do continente, como o Pantanal, a Mata Atlântica, os Campos Sulinos, a Caatinga, com destaque para o Cerrado. “Segundo maior bioma brasileiro, o Cerrado passa por um problema sério, pois, desde 1950, passou a ser muito procurado pela agricultura e pela pecuária. Com isso, a vegetação nativa foi sendo dizimada. Hoje, só existe um quarto dessa vegetação nativa, ou seja, o Cerrado está mais ameaçado que a própria Amazônia.”

De acordo com a professora, o termo biopirataria foi lançado por uma ONG, em 1993, para alertar sobre a apropriação de espécies e do conhecimento popular e indígena por empresas multinacionais. “Atualmente, a biopirataria é considerada como o ato de transferir, sem
autorização do país de origem, recursos genéticos - de origem animal ou vegetal - e, também, microrganismos, bem como o conhecimento tradicional que está associado a essa biodiversidade”, completa.

Entre os vários exemplos de biopirataria citados, Elci ressaltou o caso das sementes de seringueira, considerado a mãe das biopiratarias. “Em 1876, o botânico inglês Henry Wickham levou 70 mil sementes de seringueira do Brasil para o Jardim Botânico de Londres. Em seguida, essas mudas foram levadas para as colônias asiáticas, o que quebrou o monopólio da borracha do Brasil. Hoje, as maiores produções de borracha estão na Malásia”.


Apenas em 2001, foi criada no Brasil uma legislação (Medida Provisória nº 2186) que resguarda os direitos dos patrimônios genéticos. Conforme o documento, o acesso ao patrimônio genético pode acontecer apenas com autorização do Conselho de Gestão do Patrimônio Genético (CGEN).


A bioprospecção é uma das áreas da biotecnologia e tem o objetivo básico de descobrir organismos que possam gerar novos produtos. “Todo programa de bioprospecção tem três etapas básicas: inventário e coleta de amostras; preparação de extratos; e determinação das propriedades dos produtos. Dessa forma, a biotecnologia pode servir de várias ferramentas. Podemos usar a engenharia genética, as tecnologias reprodutivas, a bioinformática, entre outras. Tudo isso pode gerar os campos de inovação e a perspectiva de novos conhecimentos”, explica Elci.


Nesta quarta-feira (26), o Fórum para a Integração terá como palestrante o assessor de direitos humanos no escritório brasileiro da Anistia Internacional, Maurício Santoro Rocha, que abordará o tema "Da Operação Condor ao Mercosul: integração regional e direitos humanos no Cone Sul da América Latina". O evento será realizado na UNILA Centro, às 19h.

O Fórum Permanente para a Integração da América Latina e Caribe é uma realização do Instituto Mercosul de Estudos Avançados (IMEA-UNILA). Outras informações sobre as atividades, além das fotos e dos áudios completos das conferências já realizadas, podem ser encontradas na páginaunila.edu.br/forum-imea.

Fonte: http://www.unila.edu.br/noticias/forum-para-integracao-7

Comissão aprova criação de fundo de promoção do turismo do Mercosul

A Comissão de Finanças e Tributação aprovou na quarta-feira (26), com emenda, o Projeto de Decreto Legislativo 1291/13, apresentado pela Representação Brasileira no Parlamento do Mercosul (Parlasul), que aprova a criação do Fundo de Promoção de Turismo do Mercosul.

O fundo terá o objetivo de promover de forma conjunta o turismo para os integrantes do Mercosul em outros países. Ele será constituído pelas contribuições ordinárias dos estados membros – Brasil, Argentina, Paraguai e Uruguai –, assim como pela renda financeira gerada pelo próprio fundo. 

Pelo texto, a primeira contribuição anual dos estados parte para a constituição do fundo será de 603 mil dólares. O Brasil vai contribuir com 65% desse valor; a Argentina, com 20%; o Uruguai, com 7,5%; e o Paraguai, com 7,5%.A decisão de criar o fundo foi tomada pelo Conselho do Mercado Comum, em reunião realizada no dia 7 de dezembro de 2009, em Montevidéu.

João Dado apresentou emenda para incluir na proposta 
a estimativa de seu impacto no Orçamento.

Relator na comissão, o deputado João Dado (SD-SP) apresentou parecer pela aprovação com emenda, para incluir na proposta a estimativa de seu impacto orçamentário e financeiro para 2015 e 2016, com as necessárias medidas de compensação, como prevê a Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal. 

“A primeira contribuição, em 2014, está coberta por dotação constante da Lei Orçamentária deste exercício, no valor de R$1.058.265,00. Para 2015 e 2016, o Ministério do Turismo estimou a despesa em R$1.153.220,00 e R$1.257.000,00, respectivamente”, explica o relator no parecer. 

A proposta, que tramita em regime de urgência, está sendo analisada simultaneamente pelas comissões de Relações Exteriores e de Defesa Nacional; e de Constituição e Justiça e de Cidadania. Em seguida, o projeto será analisado pelo Plenário.

Fonte: http://www2.camara.leg.br/camaranoticias/noticias/TURISMO/478415-COMISSAO-APROVA-CRIACAO-DE-FUNDO-DE-PROMOCAO-DO-TURISMO-DO-MERCOSUL.html

Mercosur and EU could not establish a date for the exchange of new proposals

European Union and Mercosur representatives analyzed the current state of negotiations for an association and free trade agreement but could not establish a date for the exchange of new proposals because “the European Commission has yet not concluded the consultation process with member states to harmonize its proposal”.

The exchange of ideas between the two negotiating teams took place through a video conference in which Mercosur insisted “it has an ambitious and balanced proposal that includes goods, services, investments and government procurement”, according to the release this week from the Argentine foreign ministry.

Argentina holds the rotating chair of Mercosur until next month's summit in Paraná, when the responsibility will pass on to Brazil for the following six months.

According to the report the European Commission indicated it has to finalize the internal consultation process regarding its own proposal which it estimates “should take place any time now”.

The Mercosur/EC exchange of proposals has suffered several postponements, the last of which in June, because of the Brazilian electoral process which ended with the re-election of president Dilma Rousseff.

The first such exchange of proposals dates back to 2001, in Montevideo, during a meeting of the Cairns ministerial group of farm exporting countries and in 2004 there was a second exchange.

Mercosur and the EU formally launched negotiations, which started in 1999, in April 2000 with the idea of reaching an association agreement, which not only includes free trade, but also a chapter on cooperation and political convergence. However dialogue stalled until 2010, and was retaken from then but with a snail advance.

The main obstacle has been the presentation of trade and tariff-reduction proposals which the two blocks must exchange, (based on consensus) and were delayed on the Mercosur side because Argentina was dragging its feet regarding a proposal to cut tariffs by over 90%. On the EC side the agriculture issue and rural employment, was high in the sensitive agenda of several European countries such as France, Ireland, Spain, Hungary among others.

Negotiations also suffered long periods of interruption motivated by different factors such as the EU decision to have them submitted to the WTO Doha Round results; the two blocks recession periods as a consequence of the 2008/09 global financial collapse which triggered protectionist policies and the suspension of Paraguay from Mercosur, among other issues.

The expansion of the EU membership also created uncertainty in negotiations although the incorporation of Venezuela to Mercosur did not have any effect since this country does not participate of the negotiations because it still is adapting and making compatible its tariffs' system with the rest of the block's.

Fonte: http://en.mercopress.com/2014/11/28/mercosur-and-eu-could-not-establish-a-date-for-the-exchange-of-new-proposals

Uruguay praises Mercosur as the “main buyer” of the country's exports

Uruguay’s Foreign Minister Luis Almagro highlighted that Mercosur is the “main buyer” of Uruguayan exports and strongly defended the country's presence in the regional group, a controversial issue since much of the country's political system and most of the business community want a more dynamic, open trade block.

Almagro underlined that “three out of Uruguay’s four main trade partners belong to the bloc,” referring to Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela. The foreign minister made the statement during the presentation of a book about his four years as chancellor.

The minister highlighted that Uruguay sells most of its manufactured exports to the bloc. ”Mercosur allows Uruguay to diversify its exports and to sell products with more value added, which generates more jobs,” he said.

According to the report he presented, Uruguay’s exports grew from 2.9 billion in 2004 to 9.15 billion in 2013.

Despite repeated differences with the Argentine government of Cristina Fernandez, the administration of Uruguayan President José Mujica has remained committed to Mercosur.

It is also expected that Tabare Vazquez, who most probably will be confirmed on Sunday as Uruguay's next president will likely continue to work in that direction, prioritizing regional integration.

However Uruguay has followed the lead of Brazil in demanding a more flexible Mercosur particularly regarding trade agreements with third countries, and finding ways around the consensus clause which means all five full members must coincide on any major decision, precisely on sensitive issues as expanding trade partners and tariffs.

Argentina's policies of defending its own domestic market, jobs and promoting manufacturing have led to repeated clashes inside Mercosur. Likewise many complaints refer to the fact that Mercosur has lost its original purpose of promoting trade and has become a highly political group.

Furthermore the option of the Pacific Alliance, (Chile. Peru, Mexico and Colombia) which promotes open markets, free trade, foreign investment and has agreed on drastic tariff reductions as a means of competing in the Pacific-Asia basin has become an increasing magnet in the region.

Uruguay and Paraguay already have observer status in the Alliance and several of the most dynamic economies in the region such as Panama, Costa Rica and even Canada are considering joining the group.

Meanwhile on the Mercosur side, Bolivia has applied to become full member as have Suriname and Guyana.

Fonte: http://en.mercopress.com/2014/11/28/uruguay-praises-mercosur-as-the-main-buyer-of-the-country-s-exports

sexta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2014

Brasil e Uruguai passam a fazer comércio com moeda própria

Mecanismo vai aumentar o acesso dos pequenos e médios agentes | Foto: Wikicommons

Brasil e Uruguai poderão, a partir da próxima segunda-feira (1º), fazer trocas comerciais e remessas nas próprias moedas. A circular estabelecendo o prazo foi publicada nesta quinta-feira (27) no Diário Oficial da União, um dia após a diretoria do Banco Central (BC) aprovar o acordo entre os bancos centrais dos dois países. O mecanismo também será usado para o pagamento de aposentados e pensionistas.

Em outubro, os presidentes dos bancos centrais do Brasil, Alexandre Tombini, e do Uruguai, Alberto Graña, firmaram o acordo durante reunião de presidentes de bancos centrais da América do Sul, em Lima, no Peru. Para passar a valer, no entanto, o convênio precisava da aprovação do corpo técnico das duas instituições.

Segundo o BC brasileiro, o mecanismo vai aumentar o acesso dos pequenos e médios agentes, aprofundar o mercado do real e do peso uruguaio e reduzir custos de transação. O BC destacou que o convênio apresenta semelhança com sistema em operação com a Argentina.

Fonte: http://www.sul21.com.br/jornal/brasil-e-uruguai-passam-a-fazer-comercio-com-moeda-propria/

CELAC Coordinators Prepare Third Summit in Costa Rica

Imagen activa

San José, Nov 27 (Prensa Latina) The National Coordinators of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) prepare the third summit of the regional bloc, scheduled for next January 28 and 29 in Costa Rica.

Representatives of the 33 member countries of the mechanism of integration, operational since December 3, 2011, also assess the report of the President Pro Tempore of Costa Rica and prepare the CELAC-China Forum in Beijing early January.

Another issue discussed in the context of this meeting is the state of relations with the European Union (EU) and the EU-Latin America and Caribbean Foundation, says a statement from the Foreign Ministry.

The program of the tenth meeting of coordinators contemplates the realization of Thursday to Saturday from a workshop on Corporate Social Responsibility regarding relations with the European bloc in that order.

During the rest of the week attendees will also dialogue about the documents and proposals to further strengthen the process of regional dialogue and conciliation in the forum.

In that sense they intend to prepare the Declaration of the Third Summit Action Plan and Special Statements to be analyzed by the foreign ministers, prior to the approval by the Heads of State and Government at the Summit in San José.

The coordinators will also examine the results of CELAC exchanges with Russia, China, India, Turkey and the countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean).

Costa Rica, the first Central American country to exercise the rotating presidency of the mechanism of consultation and dialogue will give that mandate to Ecuador in January.

CELAC was founded on February 23, 2010, at the Unity Summit of Latin America and the Caribbean (Mexico), and started operating after the convergence of the Rio Group and the Summit of Latin America and the Caribbean on Integration and Development.

Among the signatory states of the Declaration of Caracas (2011) are Venezuela, Cuba, Ecuador, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Dominica, El Salvador, Granada, Guatemala, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Suriname and Jamaica, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia and Costa Rica.

China serves as a strategic partner of CELAC since the second summit held in Havana on January 29 this year, focused on fighting hunger, poverty and inequality in this part of the world.

Fonte: http://www.plenglish.com/index.phpoption=com_content&task=view&id=3317511&Itemid=1

quinta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2014

Cuba, Ecuador to Strengthen Bilateral Relations

Cuba and Ecuador advocated today for the strengthening of the bilateral relations and pointed their areas of coincidence in the context of the official visit here of the Ecuadorian Foreign Minister, Ricardo Patiño.

At a meeting with Patiño at the headquarters of the Ministry of Forcing Affairs in Havana, his Cuban counterpart, Bruno Rodriguez, expressed his satisfaction with the excellent situation of the bilateral relations with the South American nation.

In this regard, he pointed out the areas of deep coincidence between the two nations in the affairs of the international agenda and emphasized the close coordination and bilateral cooperation in the multilateral agencies and international organizations.

The Cuban Foreign Minister recalled that the next few months will be of great significance in the field of common agenda and regional integration, before the celebration on December 14 in Havana of the Summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America, and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) in Costa Rica in January 2015.

Taking into account the proximity of this last event, in which Ecuador will assume the presidency of the regional bloc, Rodriguez stated that " we already commit all our efforts with the next Ecuadorian pro tempore presidency of the Celac, which we know will be historical'.

Fonte: http://www.plenglish.com/index.phpoption=com_content&task=view&id=3307881&Itemid=1

UNASUR Heads of State and Government to Meet in Quito

Imagen activa

Ernesto Samper, secratary general of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) announced Monday that the proposal of establishing regulations for a common South American passport, will be presented and discussed in the UNASUR Summit on December 5 in Quito.

In his account in social network Twitter, Samper, former Colombian president, reported that in the summit, they would "present the establishment of a South American Passport'' that would facilitate its carriers to circulate in the entire South America.

The next UNASUR Summit is planned because of the inauguration of the new venue of the organization at the north of Quito,and multiple activities will be made as part of the celebration of the deed.

For instance, there will be master conferences, among them one by Urugyayan President Jose Mujica and anotehr by former Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, both in Guayaquil.

Samper also made reference to a meeting of Foreign Vice Ministers from the UNASUR member countries already celebrated in Bolivia, with new proposals, such as the one for the South American Passport, the creation of a bank, and others.

Fonte: http://www.plenglish.com/index.phpoption=com_content&task=view&id=3307911&Itemid=1

Unasur, UN Announce Plan to Fight Violence Against Women

The agreement will be signed amid the Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

UNASUR General Secretary Ernesto Samper (Photo: AFP)

The Union of South American Nations (Unasur) and U.N. Women will sign Tuesday in Quito an agreement to fight violence against women.

This agreement was proposed and boosted by Ernesto Samper, UNasur General Secretary, who back in October assured that even though the agency was already working on fighting violence against women, Unasur wanted to deeply commit to gender issues.

The agreement will be signed amid the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The celebration of this day was established by the U.N. in 1999 to commemorate murder of the Mirabal sisters, Dominican political activists murdered on November 25, 1960, by the dictator, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo.

Minou Tavaréz Mirabal, daughter of Minerva Mirabal, one of the murdered sisters, will attend the ceremony.

Although the details of the Unasur-U.N. agreement were not disclosed, Samper issued a tweet early Tuesday, which stated: “On the Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, Unasur and U.N. Women will sign and agreement to include gender issues in our programs.”

Fonte: http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Unasur-UN-Announce-Plan-to-Fight-Violence-Against-Women---20141125-0026.html

Impulsan el Mercosur y la Alianza Pacífico un acuerdo

Cancilleres de los países del Mercosur y de la Alianza del Pacífico analizaron ayer en Chile las posibilidades de concretar una integración gradual entre ambos bloques, aunque por ahora no sería arancelaria. 

La presidenta de Chile, Michelle Bachelet, abogó por "dejar de una vez por todas de lado el prejuicio de que hay dos bloques contrapuestos que no dialogan entre sí" y calificó como "un momento histórico" la posibilidad de que confluyan dos procesos de integración que hoy se muestran claramente antagónicos. 

De hecho, el canciller chileno Heraldo Muñoz expresó que "el Mercosur y la Alianza del Pacífico responden a modelos económicos y formas distintas de inserción en la economía". En tanto, su par argentino, Héctor Timerman, sostuvo que "la estrategia de inserción externa de cada uno de nosotros responde, como no puede ser de otra manera, a modelos nacionales" y admitió que "en ese sentido puede haber diferencias". 

En la reunión de ayer organizada por el gobierno de Bachelet, con el fin de propiciar un diálogo entre los dos bloques regionales, participaron también ministros y viceministros de Economía y Comercio de los países miembros de ambos bloques, empresarios y sindicalistas latinoamericanos. 

Bloque 1: La Alianza del Pacífico, fue creada en 2011 y está integrada por México, Colombia, Perú y Chile, todos ellos países con salida al Pacífico.
Bloque 2:  El Mercosur es una unión aduanera formada por Brasil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay y Venezuela 

Cancilleres de ambos bloques fueron a Chile

Chile pushes Mercosur close to Pacific Alliance

Trade excepted from discussion as Timerman expresses doubts over export primarization

The two competing economic blocs of Latin America held talks yesterday to promote an agenda of partial integration, after a meeting in Santiago de Chile with top representatives from the Pacific Alliance and the Mercosur trade blocs.

The protectionist Mercosur, led by Brazil, and the free-market oriented Pacific Alliance, led by México, don’t plan to move forward on common trade policies — but infrastructure, energy and immigration are matters where the sides see agreement as possible.

The host, Chile, was the main driving-force behind the initiative, a move which President Michele Bachelet had long been anticipating.

Bachelet was very enthusiastic when speaking about the possibilities of bringing both blocs together.

“In this historic meeting, we expect to take the first steps on a common road for development in our Latin America,” she claimed during the opening of the gathering.

According to Bachelet, the idea that both blocs are opposed and don’t talk between them should be set aside as a mere prejudice, and concrete steps forward in cooperation should be made.

Although she acknowledged that integration in topics such as tariffs was not realistic today, Bachelet considered that other areas do show potential for common policies.

Chile’s Foreign Minister Heraldo Muñoz was similarly enthusiastic, adding that “even if Mercosur and the Pacific alliance respond to differenc economic models and different ways of insertion in the world economy, they are two essential components, whose gradual and pragmatic convergence would give important benefits to the countries of both blocs.”

The “bi-oceanic” nature of this convergence was highlighted as one of the strategic benefits that drawing new links between both blocs would bring.

Mercosur more lukewarm

Brazilian Foreign Minister Luiz Alberto Figueiredo stated that both economic blocs are looking for very similar objectives, which amounts to “integration,” so both projects “complement each other.”

His words were very moderate, in line with the Workers’ Party (PT) electoral platform which supported Brazil’s allignment with the Mercosur instead of opening up to the Pacific Alliance, which was the goal of Dilma Rousseff’s two main rivals, Marina Silva and Aécio Neves.

Figueiredo’s Argentine counterpart Héctor Timerman did not disagree about possible integration, but he did add a twist reminding the participants of the different perspectives that both countries have.

“If we don’t create a common market for our industrial products, it will be very difficult to sell them outside the region,” Timerman stated, adding that “we can’t keep being a simple provider of raw materials.”

While the Pacific Alliance has focused mainly on selling more of its raw materials to new markets, the Mercosur’s more protectionist policies are defended by their participants as necessary to protect local industries.

The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) was invited to the meeting, and highlighted the fact that both blocs encompass more than 80 percent of the region’s foreign trade, and called for the “necessary and even urgent” integration of all blocs in the region, although trade should only be one of the aspects in sight, with regional “added value” work-chains also importat, as well as infrastructure, communications, transport and logistics, and convergente should be “gradual.”

According to ECLAC, the region is lagging in terms of insertion in the “knowledge economy,” which is why it can’t offer the world products different from raw materials or “industrial products produced for low wages.” To overcome these limits, “education, science, technology and innovation” should be promoted in both blocs.

Today, Mercosur is bigger than the Pacific Alliance in terms of population and GDP, although the latter has more foreign trade, a fact that highlights the different approach of both economic blocs. The Pacific Alliance is seen as more in line with US policies, and looking for trade expansion into Asia, while the Mercosur has been looking for treaties with Europe.

According to Moody’s, in terms of per capita GDP, adjusted for purchasing power parity, the Pacific Alliance was doing better than the Mercosur in 2013. Mercosur’s growth has been slower than the Pacific Alliance’s in the last two years, but if figures are viewed since 2002, Mercosur fared better.

Fonte: http://www.buenosairesherald.com/article/175544/chile-pushes-mercosur-close-to-pacific-alliance

Eurasian Economic Union to boost ties with South America's largest trade bloc

There is no talk of an agreement on a free trade zone, but the sides understand that this is a goal which should be achieved in the future as the whole world is moving in this direction

Mercosur Building in Montevideo, Uruguay

The Eurasian Economic Union, which is due to go into effect in 2015, and the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) have almost agreed on a memorandum of understanding, a minister for trade of the Eurasian Economic Commission told TASS in an interview on Wednesday.

“We have in fact completed the work on the memorandum of cooperation in the economic sphere between the two integration associations,” said Andrey Slepnev, who leads talks with Argentina, the current chair of the Mercosur trade group.

“The document covers the spheres on which we will be holding a regular dialogue, first of all, the issues of trade facilitation and removing barriers in trade, as well as investment cooperation,” Slepnev said.

The official said the document could be signed in 2015.

“We have reached a common understanding on the need in the near future to launch the drafting process of a full-fledged legally binding agreement between the two blocs that form the already new legal basis for trade between the Mercosur states and the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU),” he said.

Slepnev said yet there is no talk of an agreement on a free trade zone, but the sides understand that this is a goal which should be achieved in the future as the whole world, including South America, is moving in this direction.

“We should use various mechanisms for diversifying and boosting our economic contacts. One of the problems is a narrow spectrum of trade and our business circles which are involved in the work with the Latin American region,” Slepnev said.

Mercosur is a bloc, established in 1991, which comprises Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela. The EEU members are currently Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Armenia. Kyrgyzstan is expected to join the union soon.

The two trade blocs account for over 7% of global economy.

Fonte: http://en.itar-tass.com/economy/763730

Pacific Alliance and Mercosur represent 90% of Latam and Caribbean GDP

The Pacific Alliance (PA) and the Common Market of the South (Mercosur) combined represent more than 80% of regional foreign trade as well as population, and more than 90% of GDP and direct foreign investment flows, according to a new report by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).

“The gradual convergence between the Pacific Alliance and Mercosur” is a natural conclusion of the integration, said Alicia Barcena  However globally in trade terms the region has been stagnant, in the range of 5% to 6% despite the strong prices for commodities
“The gradual convergence between the Pacific                          
Alliance and Mercosur” is a natural conclusion
 of the integration, said Alicia Barcena

“The Pacific Alliance and Mercosur: towards convergence in diversity” was ECLAC's contribution to the seminar “Dialogue on Regional Integration: The Pacific Alliance and Mercosur” which took place in Santiago organized by the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Relations.

The report stresses that the two groups account for the seven biggest economies of Latin America and the Caribbean, according to 2013 GDP: Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Chile and Peru. The Pacific Alliance is made up of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, while Mercosur, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela.

In 2013, total trade between both groups of countries reached 47.4 billion dollars, with exports from the Alliance to Mercosur totaling 23.7bn dollars and a similar figure on the other way.

Given the current exchange levels, Eclac argues that convergence between the Alliance and Mercosur not only will bring benefits to their member states, but also will be an historic opportunity to move towards true regional integration.

“An integration process of regional features seems more appropriate as a sign of the times and the demands of structural change in favor of equality in Latin America. The gradual convergence between the Pacific Alliance and Mercosur could prove to be a decisive catalyst of that process,” Alicia Barcena, Eclac's Executive Secretary, said at the study's introduction.

However globally Latin America and the Caribbean have shown a stagnant situation in terms of exports since the end of the nineties, considering that the region's participation in world exports has fluctuated between 5% and the current 6%, despite the high prices registered by some of the commodities exported by the region during most of the last decade.

Likewise the region has shown low incorporation in the knowledge-based economy, assigning just 0.84% on average of regional GDP between 2005 and 2012 to research and development (R&D), although investment in this field in most countries of the region (with the exception of Argentina and Brazil) was below 0.5% of GDP.

According to the United Nations organization, a final integration of all Latin American and Caribbean sub-regions should be the goal for the different groups and forums in the next years. Furthermore, concerted regional action would strengthen the region's voice in the world's principal debate arenas as well as relations with other key players in the international system.

Fonte: http://en.mercopress.com/2014/11/26/pacific-alliance-and-mercosur-represent-90-of-latam-and-caribbean-gdp

Argentine President to Attend UNASUR Summit in Ecuador

Buenos Aires, Nov 26 (Prensa Latina) Argentine President Cristina Fernandez was authorized by her doctors to travel to the Ecuadorian cities of Guayaquil and Quito to participate in the Summit of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), it was reported here on Wednesday.

However, the Pink House pointed out in a communiqué that the presidential medical team advised Cristina Fernandez against traveling to Mexico, where she was expected to attend the International Book Fair of Guadalajara and the 24th Ibero-American Summit in Veracruz.

In a communiqué issued on Tuesday night, the Presidential Medical Unit noted that Cristina Fernandez "is evolving well from the manifestations of diverticulosis that she suffered, although they advised her to resume her activities gradually.

Regarding the activities she would undertake abroad, for which she has been invited, the press release, signed by Doctors Marcelo Ballesteros and Daniel Fernandez, advises the president to limit them to those scheduled in the Ecuadorian cities of Guayaquil and Quito on December 4-5.

We advise her against traveling to the Mexican cities of Guadalajara and Veracruz, where she planned to participate in the Book Fair, at which Argentina is the guest of honor, and in the 24th Ibero-American Summit on December 8-9.

Cristina Fernandez took over her public agenda in Buenos Aires on Tuesday night, when she delivered a speech at the closing session of the Convention of the Chamber of Construction, after 26 days of medical leave due to manifestations of diverticulosis that forced her to be in hospital and to rest later.

Fonte: http://www.plenglish.com/index.phpoption=com_content&task=view&id=3314761&Itemid=1

Ministros aprovam regras para Fundo Mercosul Cultural

Os ministros de Cultura do Mercosul se reuniram nesta quarta-feira (26/11), em Buenos Aires, e discutiram pontos importantes para avançar a integração entre os países da região. Um dos itens foi a aprovação das regras para o fundo que vai financiar iniciativas culturais de pessoas físicas ou jurídicas dos países do bloco.

Cada país do Mercosul deve ainda aprovar a criação do fundo em seus parlamentos. O objetivo é estimular projetos conjuntos de dois ou mais países em diversos segmentos culturais. Participaram do encontro a ministra brasileira Ana Cristina Wanzeler e representantes da Argentina, Paraguai, Uruguai, Venezuela, Chile, Peru, Equador e Colômbia.

"Esse encontro tem um valor simbólico na construção de políticas públicas para o desenvolvimento regional", afirmou a ministra, Ana Wanzeler, que recebeu da Argentina a presidência pró-tempore do Mercosul Cultural. Nos próximos seis meses, o Brasil vai conduzir as discussões de políticas culturais no bloco. 

Selo cultural
Também houve avanços na discussão para implementar o Selo Mercosul Cultural. Trata-se de uma certificação que vai facilitar a circulação temporária na região, por exemplo, de um quadro para uma exposição de artes plásticas ou de equipamentos destinados a um show musical. 

"O Mercosul cultural existe muito antes do Mercosul político. Já existia nos deslocamentos das pessoas entres os países da região", disse a ministra da Cultura da Argentina, Teresa Parodi, que é a primeira chefe do ministério, criado em março de 2014.

Os ministros aprovaram a postulação brasileira para que as Missões Jesuíticas (Guaranis, Moxos e Chiquitos) sejam reconhecidas como Patrimônio Cultural do Mercosul. Também foi aceita a indicação da erva mate para compor a lista de Patrimônio do bloco.

Durante o encontro, Ana Wanzeler fez uma apresentação de políticas públicas do Brasil criadas nos últimos anos, como Vale Cultura, Sistema Nacional de Cultura (SNC), PAC das Cidades Históricas, CEUs das Artes e Pontos de Cultura. 

Os países do Mercosul Cultural acompanham com entusiasmo a criação de políticas públicas no Brasil nos últimos 12 anos. Os exemplos mais citados e que geram curiosidade são os CEUs das Artes e o Vale-Cultura. "É muito estimulante o avanço nas políticas culturais do Brasil e também da Argentina", disse o ministro venezuelano, Reinaldo Iturriza. 

A vice-ministra de Cultura do Chile, Lilia Concha Carreño, também ressaltou a importância dos programas brasileiros que servem de referência para os demais países da América Latina. "Sentimos inveja de como o Brasil avançou em políticas públicas, institucionalizadas, na área cultural. " Há um interesse de chilenos e colombianos pelo Vale-Cultura. 

Segundo Lilia, o que também chama atenção no Brasil são os editais para inclusão de grupos minoritários, como mulheres e negros. "No Chile, estamos discutindo políticas com foco na diversidade cultural", disse Lilia, se referindo à orientação atual do governo chileno para valorizar as culturas indígenas.

Fonte: http://www.cultura.gov.br/banner-2/-/asset_publisher/0u320bDyUU6Y/content/ministros-aprovam-regras-para-fundo-mercosul-cultural/10883